Mrs. Alicia Henson » Welcome to the Bear CAVE!

Welcome to the Bear CAVE!

The MAHS Counseling & Guidance Office (Bear CAVE) serves students through academic, career, and social/emotional counseling and guidance. We help students make informed decisions surrounding the planning and processes of academic and career development. Academic counseling involves improving classroom performance by working to remove obstacles that may impede success. Social/emotional counseling provides students with an opportunity to meet with a counselor in a confidential setting to discuss and remedy difficult social and emotional issues. Career and college counseling involves linking students to the resources, knowledge, and support needed to navigate the college admission and financial aid processes. Please visit us any time!
Connect with Us!
Mrs. Henson
School Counselor
Ms. White
College Advisor
Mrs. Frazier
Data Manager
Ms. Day
Surry Community College Student Success Advisor